Face Yourself ~ Learn ~ Grow from Within

There is a path
Step by step
True Self
Quiet the noise


There is a special awareness available to each of us.

It shows us how things truly are. With quietude, it can tell us why they are as they are. If you are ready to reshape your inner world and grow from within, Stephanie invites you to discover the course that is right for you.


Committed to supporting people on their path to awareness.

Stephanie Ross has spent over a decade helping people connect to their hearts and uncover their deeper wisdom. As a Yuan Qigong Master, Ren Xue Teacher, and Writer, she teaches life-cultivation, facilitates healing circles, and empowers people around the globe.

Stephanie Ross, Writing class, Writers workshop, Awareness, wisdom, Clarity, Meditation , Life development, Personal growth, authenticity, Writing circle

The end of sailing the oceans was the beginning of sailing inward.

New Zealand was the last stop on my family’s voyage.  It was the most transformative. I met my teacher Yuan Tze. His life cultivation teachings - Ren Xue and Yuan Qigong immediately became an important part of my life. I studied, practised, and worked deeply on myself to become a teacher and Qigong master. I learned master is a misnomer – accepting this designation wasn’t an end point, instead it meant embracing a life-long commitment to self-development, learning, and teaching.

“Stephanie's powerful storytelling has an important message for our world today. Her lyrical style of writing is engaging, at times breath-taking. I always look forward to hearing her latest words - whether they are in an early draft stage or fully polished and ready for publishing. Dive into her sumptuous imagery and be prepared to enter new worlds of possibility.”

Marie Maccagno, Canada, Author and Writing Mentor

“Stephanie has an uncanny ability to see what others might miss and then use words and her heart to bring us alongside so we can join her where she’s journeyed.”

Marsha Moore, USA